Here it is! Over 40 hours of drawing time later, this is my 20"x30" drawing. It started as this and here it is now!
This was a long, but meditative process. I spent class time and alone time on it and it was wonderful. I seriously doubted myself a few times, but I pushed forward and kept drawing what I saw. I measured, remeasured, drew, erased, drew and erased, then drew and kept.
I am very proud of this piece of art because I don't think I ever spent this much time on a drawing. It was this assignment that has made me look forward to Drawing 2, and it was this assignment did I start to really think about the process of drawing and creating. It has always come natural to me, but now, I respect the process so much more. I respect the time and effort that goes into something, and I respect that quality things do take time.
I can see myself doing a couple more pieces like this and really sharpening my drawing skills. I've borrowed some books from the library and want to get better at it. The process of a dimensional figure come off a piece of paper always intimidated me, but now, I know I can do it and I'm hooked!
Technical Stuff:
For the drawing I used graphite pencils ranging from B to 9B. I did not use stumps for the faces (I don't like how stumps tend to soften a drawing, kind of like adding a soft filter to photos). I did use it for the cloud portion to differentiate it from the faces.
After I turned it in and stepped away from it for a few days, I still want to go back and refine it some more! It's always really hard for me to say this piece of art is done, so I'm going to say it's an almost finished piece of work in progress.
Also, I listened to a LOT of hip-hop on my Jay-Z Pandora list in the process to keep me going during those late nights and even an all-nighter. So this one is for you, Jay-Z, Dr. Dre, Tupac and The Fugees.