About two months ago San Jose said good-bye to the iconic movie theaters, lovingly called the Domes located on Winchester Blvd., across from the shiny and vibrant shopping center, Santana Row.
The Century 21 Dome theater, which was the last dome to have a single screen was hosting one last viewing and it was showing Indiana Jones: Raiders of The Lost Ark. I had never seen the movie before (GASP: I KNOW!!!), so it was a double treat to see it on the big screen in a sold out theater and say good-bye to a place that housed so many memories.
My with the dome is from when I attended the midnight showing to see Star Wars III and I remember thinking that it was so special to see the last of Star Wars in such a historic place.
When we arrived, the line was wrapped around the building and everyone was in high spirits. Families were gathered and some people were dressed up like Indiana Jones. Parents were telling their children about the movie and sharing their story of when they first saw the movie.
Upon entering the theater, we were given colorful hats to look like Indian's famous brown hat and goodie bags filled with props that related to the movie such as, a date, rubber snack, a party popper and Twizzler straw.
Beach balls were being bounced around as people made their way to their seats. Over 1,000 people packed in and when we all settled in, the host came out. She was really funny and got the crowd engaged with trivia questions and contests.
The movie was so good! I became really wrapped up in it and although it's an older one, it was done so well, that nothing really stood out. I'm so glad I got to see it on a large screen. It was The fun was over, and I think it really sunk in that it was the last movie to ever be shown on the screen. People took photos with each other in front of the screen and you can hear people talking about their own memories of the theater.
I'm sad to see such a place go, and I've heard rumors of it developing into a commercial shopping area. It's on trend with the changes in the area and although I understand the monetary draw to opening another center, it's still sad to see a historic spot be taken away. For more info here's an article from The Mercury News.

Photos shot with iphone and fujix100s, slight edits in Lightroom.